5 must have softwares for Windows!

Everyone uses windows. In offices, schools, home everywhere, we can see people working only on windows.
So in this post, we will look at the must have software’s for any Windows Operating System.
Well this post is not about which will make your machine faster or increase its performance, we will only look into the software’s that are most important and must have software’s for Windows.
So lets look at the 5 must have software’s for Windows!

  1. Antivirus.

    Well this is not something new, but still some people just don’t have an antivirus? Why? Because they think they won’t get infected by virus.
    The thing about Virus, malware and spyware is THEY DON’T ASK YOU BEFORE GETTING IN YOUR SYSTEM.
    They just come in, and sit down quietly, either eating away your data, or spying/recording your activities, or simply playing with your system, making it behave abnormally. And if you think you’re safe from Virus because you don’t download or install anything from internet, well, then you should have a look at what NSA did to 50,000 computers worldwide.
    Well to cut a long story short, if you’re connected to Internet, You need an antivirus.
    Some of the famous antivirus’ are :

    I go with Security Essentials. Its free,small, easy to use, and doesn’t slow down my computer.
    security essentials


  2. CCleaner.

    Many of us still don’t know the hidden potential of CCleaner.
    It can remove your temporary internet files, clean your system files, remove cookies, Windows log files, Uninstall programs, clean your registry, helps you manage system restore, select start-up programs, wipe your hard disk and many more things.
    We usually use internet and a normal user never deletes the temporary files. Many of us don’t know about temporary internet files (enter %temp% in run and press enter). Cleaning these files, and many more can give you GB’s of free space.  No kidding. Try it.




  3. Internet Download Manager.

    This is a small tool, can give you lots of happiness. You can use it download videos, documents, programs/softwars, rar files, mp3 files, everything.
    It helps you pause,resume, cancel ongoing download, helps you download files and arranges it so.
    Plus with this, you don’t need a separate software for downloading videos from YouTube.
    And its download speed is fast than your normal browser’s speed.




  4. Process Explorer.

    This tiny tool can turn out to be a life-saver if your task manager is not working, or your machine is infected by a virus.
    Process Explorer does the same job your task manager does, the difference only being that process explorer sorts it out to present it in a readable and understandable way for the user. Plus it gives you the details of processes running, like their Pid, Location, registry value, memory usage etc.

    Process Explorer

    Process Explorer


  5. Dropbox/OneDrive/GoogleDrive.

    Create an account on any cloud service, Download its software and stay connected with your documents and files all the time.
    Copy paste any files you need into their respective folders, and it will stay there until you decide to remove it.
    Comes handy in saving text files or serial numbers or documents and pictures,



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