Clean your Gmail Inbox!

Google Mail or Gmail as it is popularly known, has become one of the leading mail servers in today’s world. The ‘Google’ brand is enough for people to trust their mail servers, and frankly it deserves to be where it is today. You can find everything you want.
Plus all android users use their primary id as Gmail, and so we usually give our Gmail email-id to everyone we know, and use it on social networking sites. As good as it may look, it can really mess up your inbox. You’ll get all promotional, social and important emails in one inbox, and if you’re a social animal, your emails would be lost in some other corner of your inbox, and you’ll only see your social networking emails of Facebook, Twitter, Quora etc.

To avoid this Google started 2 new tabs with Inbox named Social and Promotional. Social has emails from all social networking sites, whereas promotional has emails from all newsletter and e-commerce sites.

New feature in Gmail

New feature in Gmail

It really helps you organizing your emails, and clean your Gmail Inbox as it filters out emails from Facebook, Twitter, Flipkart, Myntra and all other sites.
But you may still get some emails in your inbox section. So in this post, we will see how to group these emails under one label.
You can use this to filter out emails from your family, friends, school/college friends, work emails etc.

What is Label?

Label is a beautiful concept from Google to group similar emails. You can create a new label, edit it later or delete it if you want.

Why use Label?

Label will help you re-arrange your emails.

  • You can filter out emails from one person, or group of persons.
  • You can create a label and delete all existing e-mails from a particular e-mail address, and the incoming emails from that e-mail address.
  • You can separate emails from work, family and friends.
  • You can mark incoming emails from a particular sender as Important with highest priority.
  • You can directly mark the emails as read without even reading it, and send it to Spam or delete it.
  • You can filter emails using few keywords, or sender’s e-mail address.

And there many more options you can use in labels.
So lets see how to create a label and add emails to it. We will be creating a label of a newsletter.

  1. Open the mail. Select ‘filter messages like these’.

    Select 'filter messages like these'

    Select ‘filter messages like these’

  2. The ‘from’ field would automatically have the sender’s email address.
    Here you can choose, if you also want to
    filter emails TO a particular recipient,
    emails having a particular SUBJECT or
    add emails containing particular WORDS into this filter.

    Select filter rules.

    Select filter rules.

  3. Once the filter is created it will ask you, ‘What to do with these emails?’
    You can skip the incoming emails, mark it as read, forward it, apply to a new or existing label, delete it, mark it directly as IMPORTANT, and many more which you can see in the below image.

    Select options for filter.

    Select options for filter.

  4. Here we are going to create a new label.
    Below ‘New Label’ will be list of all your existing labels.

    Create a new label, or assign it to existing one.

    Create a new label, or assign it to existing one.

  5. Name the label.
    You can also nest it under some other existing label.
    Suppose you have a family label, you can create a new label named ‘DAD’ which will have all the emails from your father, and will be a part of ‘Family’ Label.
    So emails from your dad will have two labels, ‘DAD’ and ‘Family’.

    Name the filter.

    Name the filter.

  6. Select your options, and you can also categorize it under Gmail’s labels.

    Select category.

    Select category.

  7. Create filter. Make sure you have selected the option 
    ‘Also apply filter to matching conversations’. With this, all the old emails will also come under this folder!
    If you don’t select this option, all the emails coming after that filter was created will be listed under that label.

    Aply to all conversations.

    Apply to all conversations.

  8. Check your new label.

    check your label

    check your label

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