What is FTP server?

What is FTP Server?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. A FTP server is basically used to transfer files within or outside a network! For transmitting or exchanging files between various computers a standard protocol is used! These protocols are followed in the client and server-side.


What is Protocol?

Protocol simply put is ‘Standard set of rules’. If every service starts its different set of rules, using them around the world would be impossible. So a common set of rules is established and if anyone wants use a service, they have to follow these protocols.
Like a web server uses ‘HTTP’ protocol to exchange web pages, A FTP server uses TCP/IP protocols for communication with other computers and downloading the files.


How to use FTP?

As mentioned above FTP uses TCP/IP protocols for communications with various computers. So to have a FTP server, you need to have an IP address first. Like any website has a ‘http://’ prefix, a FTP server has a ‘ftp://’ prefix.
You can use FTP server either by a third-party software or via Browser. So if you want to access a FTP Server with an IP address of, you will have to enter ‘’ in your browser.
The famous third-party ftp client is Filezilla.


Where are FTP servers used?

You can find FTP server everywhere.

  • Web-Hosting Companies usually give FTP access to its users for easily transferring files!
  • Many universities usually upload their notes and assignments on their FTP server so that students can easily download it.
  • Companies have their own FTP server so that its employees can easily share and download files!
  • Many software site may have its own FTP servers which allows users to download their products directly!


Purpose of FTP :

FTP server allows you to share your files. All FTP server does is allowing users to download certain files. There is no GUI, no buttons, no designs, no animations, just an index of files which are present on the server. One-click download. All you can do is visit these FTP sites and download the files.


Types of FTP servers:

There are two types of FTP servers

  1. With Anonymous login:
    Websites which share their data over the internet usually have this type of FTP. here anyone with the address of FTP server can go and download any file he wants. It is open for all. No need to register!
  2. With secured login:
    This type of FTP servers are usually used in Companies and colleges and universities to help keep their data confidential and secure. Only users registered on the FTP server can use the FTP server for downloading stuffs. As soon as you enter the address of server and hit enter a login box will appear asking for your username and password. If the entered username & password is correct, only then the user can use the FTP server.



Dell ftp site

Dell ftp site

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