Have you ever faced this problem, where you can’t access your task manager?
Each time you try to press ‘Ctrl+Alt+Del’ you get a message like this :
When you try to open Task manager through taskbar, you cannot click on it,
This is caused mostly by Virus, and there’s a very simple solution to this simple problem!
There are 3 ways in which you can solve this :
1. Enable Task Manager via Local Group Policies.
- Go to run and type gpedit.msc and click on Ok
- Navigate to User Configuration —> Administrative Templates —> System —> Ctrl+Alt+Del options .
- Here, the value would be ‘Enabled’
- Double click on it and Change it to ‘Disable’ or ‘Not Configured’
- Check your task manager now:
- Task Manager enabled
2. Enable Task Manager via Registry Editor.
- Go to run and type regedit. Make a backup first using CCleaner or In Registry Editor –> File –> Export before making any changes.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoft Windows Current VersionPolicies.
You’ll find System under Policies. If it is not present, you will need to create it. - On the right side, create a ‘DWORD 32bit Value’ and Enter its name as ‘DisableTaskMgr’ without the quotes.
If you already have ‘System’ key, there would be DisableTaskMgr on the right side. - Enter its value as ‘0’ and click Ok. If the DWORD was already present its value would be ‘1’. Change it to ‘0’.
- Check your Task Manager.
3. Make a .reg file and run it!
- Open notepad and paste this code
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem] “DisableTaskMgr” =dword:00000 000
Save it as Taskmanager.reg - Double Click on it, select Yes. The key would be added with value ‘0’.
Then restart your machine.
If you’re still facing any problems, let us know in the comment’s section 🙂