What is TeamViewer? 1

Have you faced a situation when you tried to explain a solution to your friend or co-worker and ended up with an irritated and spoilt mood. We all know how difficult it is to instruct someone about the configuration and settings over phone. Don’t you just wish you could go there and solve the problem within few minutes rather than explaining every step on call? Well there’s a software that just lets you do that, solve a problem in some place sitting in your workplace, and that software is TeamViewer?

What is TeamViewer?

TeamViewer connects to any PC or server around the world within a few seconds. You can remote control your partner’s PC as if you were sitting right in front of it. Find out why more than 200 million users trust TeamViewer!

This is how TeamViewer defines itself. TeamViewer is a software that helps you connect to any other pc and solve the problem as if you’re sitting there. When someone connects to your machine using TeamViewer, you can exactly see what he/she is doing. The mouse moves at your side as it moves on their. You can start a presentation, join a presentation or meeting, video chat, call, chat, transfer files, record everything and do more using TeamViewer. But to do all of this, you need at-least a broadband connection.

TeamViewer normal view

TeamViewer normal view

Why use TeamViewer?

TeamViewer will help you:

  1. Save time.
  2. Solve the problem.

All of this within minutes. Imagine an employee is in a problem? The IT staff can ask the employee to open TeamViewer, and they will help him within minutes. A friend needs help installing/finding drivers, open TeamViewer, get the id/password and solve it. You can also start chatting or call them to explain whatever you’re doing, so in future they can manage all of this by themselves. You can record the recordings and post it on YouTube. The next time some other friend faces the same problem, you can directly give the YouTube Link.

Have a meeting or presentation but don’t have the right place? Ask your team-members to start TeamViewer and give your id. All the members can view the meeting at their own desk.

TeamViewer presentation

TeamViewer presentation

TeamViewer is here to make life easier and everyone no matter who you are, should at least have it installed.

Is it safe?

So if I use TeamViewer and give my id/password to someone, he’ll solve the problem, but what if he comes again and gains unauthorized access to my computer. Well, first things first. Using TeamViewer is safe and secure. How?

  1. Well to start a session, TeamViewer should be open on both sides.
  2. When the user connects to other’s PC, a team viewer box appears in the bottom-right side of your screen, letting the client know they’re in a session is on.
  3. Every-time you start TeamViewer, you’ll get a random password. The password will be 4 digit or 6 digit number. So once you’re done with the session, the user cannot connect to your machine again using your old credentials. You can also manually choose to generate a random password or set your own (if you have an account on TeamViewer).

    generate password

    generate password

How to use TeamViewer?

First download TeamViewer for Windows or  for Linux. Install it with the usual methods in Windows. Check this link if you’re having problems installing TeamViewer on Linux. Choose ‘personal/non-commercial‘ use while installing, else you’ll get a 30 day trial. Once you’re done with the installation, open TeamViewer and give your id/password to someone who wants to solve your problem. If you want to get access to some one’s PC, enter their id and select ‘Remote Control’ option and click on ‘Connect to partner’. Then enter the password and you’re then connected to the user.

Once you’re connected you’ll see various options in the bottom right corner of your screen, where you can chat, call, video call, record and transfer files.  Everything will be self-explanatory once you gain remote access.  Once you or your partner closes the TeamViewer windows, the connection is closed and you won’t have remote access anymore. So its important to let the TeamViewer window be as it is.
One thing to remember while using TeamViewer is, once a partner connects to your machine, you’ll have a solid black color as wallpaper, because your machines disables wallpaper to give you optimal performance.

TeamViewer in session

TeamViewer in session

You can do a lot of stuffs before even connecting to your user. You can invite a partner, play or convert files, set up unattended access if you trust someone blindly and many more things



TeamViewer extras option

TeamViewer extras option


So in short, TeamViewer is there to make your life easier, download and use it. Make the most of it. Try and you’ll understand how user-friendly and easy it is.

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