How to mount ntfs in CentOS

Many of us use external hard-disks for data storing, and backup.Generally all the external hard-disks are of NTFS format only, if you have used it on Windows earlier. using it on Linux will sometimes be a problem.
One of the best things about Ubuntu is, it automatically detects a NTFS file system, and auto mounts it in most of the cases.
But this is not the case in CentOS or Fedora or Redhat. In these distros, we need to manually mount the hard-disk, and since Linux does not recognize NTFS file system, it will show and error when you try to directly mount it using ‘mount -t command.
To mount an NTFS drive in Redhat distros, we need an additional package named ‘ntfs-3g‘.  We need to install ntfs-3g and then use it to mount the NTFS drive. So lets see how to mount ntfs in CentOS!

Windows hard-disk

Windows hard-disk


Downloading Repository for ‘ntfs-3g’.

If you already have latest repo, skip next three steps.

  1. cd /etc/yum.repos.d
    The ‘ntfs-3g’ package is not a part of the originalepel repo that we get after installation. So we need to download the latestepel repo and upgrade our repo. So change your directory to ‘/etc/yum.repos.d’

    Change directory to yum.repos.d

    Change directory to yum.repos.d


  2. wget
    Use wget to download the new repo.

    Download latest repo.

    Download latest repo.


  3. rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
    Upgrade your existing repo with the new downloaded repo.

    upgrade existing repo.

    upgrade existing repo.


Installing ‘ntfs-3g’

  1. yum install fuse fuse-ntfs-3g
    You can either use ‘fuse’ or just put ‘yum install ntfs-3g’
    If you get a ‘nothing to do’ error, you have downloaded the wrong repository. Check it again.

    install fuse and ntfs-3g using yum

    install fuse and ntfs-3g using yum

    install only ntfs-3g

    install only ntfs-3g


Mounting Windows Disk.

  1. mkdir /mnt/windows
    mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/windows

    Create a new directory where you’ll mount the files of ntfs disk.
    mount -t ntfs-3g (source) (destination)
    Use the command as mentioned above. It will work completely fine!

    Mount commands.

    Mount commands.

    NTFS file system mounted

    NTFS file system mounted


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